Data Analytics

Over forty researchers from Nimbus with over 160 industry partners are working to ensure Ireland is at the heart of global data analytics research. Nimbus is committed to research that has a positive impact on society and is committed to protecting the rights of the citizen.

Nimbus offers data analytics solutions for a broad range of industry partners in ICT, healthcare, agriculture, finance, environmental, and public services. Nimbus’s expertise includes the whole data value chain from the integration of multiple heterogeneous data sources, to discovering patterns and trends in data and making sense of them.

Innovative Solutions

These include using data to:

  • Develop products and services based on matching the short and long-term needs of individuals and organisations to a real time picture of information, opportunities, and services.
  • Understand customer behaviour to increase customer satisfaction, experience and loyalty.
  • Drive recommendations and support decision making.
  • Find optimal solutions to complex problems; and automate business processes.

Research Areas

  1. Linked data
  2. Semantic web
  3. Machine learning and statistics
  4. Media analytics
  5. Personal sensing
  6. Optimization and decision analytics
  7. Recommender systems