Brian Cahill

Gateway Manager

Brian joined Nimbus Centre in July 2013 as programme manager for the Mallow Systems Innovation Centre. This activity brought Nimbus Centre closer to Mallow, North Cork and Blackwater Valley based industry, educational institutions and academia. The Innovation Centre was pivotal to rolling out Internet of Things and Small Smart City demonstrators, and pilots in Mallow Town and beyond, while also affording companies in this hub location an opportunity to engage with a research and innovation centre to bring their ideas to reality.

Brian is no stranger to the corridors of MTU as he was part of the Computing Department staff in 2006 following nine years working primarily in the Telecommunications Industry. Since 2006, Brian has worked with the School of Engineering, UCC on SFI and EU FP7 projects while also lecturing to both undergraduate and master level Civil and IT in AEC Engineering students with emphasis on Software Engineering, Information Modeling and Data analysis. Brian has also extensive experience with systems integration and project management.

Before Brian started his academic career he worked in commercial software development with national and multi-national companies, such as Acer and Motorola with emphasis on Telecommunications research and development. Brian’s research interests include wireless systems design, Building Information Model (BIM), Databases, Building Performance and Software Engineering. He has numerous publications.


Preparation and execution of final year student projects on the cloud

A, Vakaloudis, D, Challa, C, O’Leary, B, Cahill

50th Frontiers in Education


Chatbots to Support Mental Health & Wellbeing: Early Findings from ChatPal Use During COVID-19 Lockdown

RR Bond, Alex Vakaloudis, Lauri Kuosmanen, Martin Malcolm, Thomas Broderick, Andrea Bickerdike, Con Burns, Edward Coughlan, Brian Cahill, Edel Ennis, Courtney Potts, Siobhan O’Neill, Mike McTear, Maurice Mulvenna

9th European Conference on Mental Health


Enabling Primary School Teachers to Deliver STEM Programmes with the Internet of Things: Challenges and Recipes for Success

A, Vakaloudis, J, Kehoe, B, Cahill, K, Delaney

11th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers


Towards a chatbot assisted mental health and wellbeing ecosystem

Alex Vakaloudis, Brian Cahill, Siobhan O’Neill, Lauri Kuosmanen, RR Bond, David Hanna, Jane O’Flynn, Christian O’Leary, Gary Smith, John Swanton, Kevin O’Mahony, Con Burns, Edward Coughlan, Maurice Mulvenna

ECMH – European Conference on Mental Health 2019


BlightLink – The next stage in the evolution of decision support systems

J. de Lacey, B. Cahill

Internet of Things for Food (IoT4F), 2018


Towards a Factories of the Future R&D ecosystem

B. Cahill, A. Vakaloudis, J. O’Flynn, J. Dolera, A. Joyce, N. Chalikias, K. Maxwell, I. Aherne, B. Gnyszka

34th International Manufacturing Conference (IMC34), 2017


Bridging the Gap between academia and industry: The role of technology gateways in entrepreneurial education

A, Vakaloudis, M, O’Keeffe, S, Hayes, B, Cahill, T, Horgan, K, Delaney

3E ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference, 2017


A fuzzy system for three-factor, non-textual authentication

J Stockdale, A Vakaloudis, JM Escaño, J Liang, B Cahill

Science and Information Conference, 125-137, 2014


A middleware platform for Integrated Building Performance Management 2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics

Schülke A, Cahill B, Byrne J, Schmidt M, Flöck M, Etinski M, Papageorgiou A, Santos N, Menzel K, O’Keeffe T, Katzemich F, Valmaseda C, García Pajares R, Gutiérrez S, Hernandez Garcia J L

2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP 2013)

(2013)  (CESBP 2013) Vienna, Austria, , 09-SEP-13 – 11-SEP-13


Precise evaluation of Building Performance through the availability of dynamic building data and a Building Information Model (BIM)

Brian Cahill

In: Kelly A, Dalton G, O’Sullivan D, Walton J eds. The Boolean Volume 3 October 2012 UCC, Cork, Ireland, , pp.1-5

 BIM as a centre piece for Optimised Building Operation

Cahill B, Menzel K, Flynn D.

9th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling 2012

(2012)  In: Gudni Gudnason, Raimar Scherer eds. 9th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling 2012 Reykjavik, Iceland, , 25-JAN-12 – 27-JUL-12 , pp.549-556

 Building Performance Analysis – Re-engineering of an Existing Data Warehouse

Hoerster S, Cahill B, Menzel K (2012)  Forum Bauinformatik 2012 Germany, , 26-SEP-12 – 28-SEP-12

EU FP7 BaaS: D2.1: Data Warehouse Requirements and extended BIM specification.

D. Flynn, K. Menzel, B. Cahill, M. Schmid, A. Schülke, D. Rovas, C. Valmaseda, S. Martin

(2012) EU FP7 BaaS: D2.1: Data Warehouse Requirements and extended BIM specification. Technical Publication


EU FP7 BaaS: D2.2 Data Warehouse – Intermediate Report.

K. Menzel, B. Cahill

(2012) EU FP7 BaaS: D2.2 Data Warehouse – Intermediate Report. Technical Publication


BIM Feasibility for Optimisation of Building Operation
B. Cahill, K. Menzel
Forum Bauinformatik 2011


Data Warehouse Model to support Optimized Operation and Energy Savings in Buildings
P. Stack, B. Cahill, F. Manzoor, K. Menzel



ITOBO Scientific research Cluster


 ITOBO D1-5: Part 1: Specification Integrated Building Information Model for Sustainable & Optimised Building Operation.

ITOBO Scientific Research Cluster

(2009) ITOBO D1-5: Part 1: Specification Integrated Building Information Model for Sustainable & Optimised Building Operation. Technical Publication

 Integration of Radio Frequency Identification and

Building Information Modelling for Decentralised Information Management
Z. Cong, H. Yin, F. Manzoor, B. Cahill, K. Menzel
ICCCBE 2010 Nottingham


Using artificial intelligence to deliver optimised energy consumption
Y. Gao, L. Allan, E. Tumwesigye, B. Cahill,  K. Menzel
ICCCBE 2010 Nottingham


Using Data Mining in Optimisation of Building Energy Consumption
and Thermal Comfort Management

Y. Gao, E. Tumwesigye, B.Cahill, K. Menzel
IEEE Software Engineering and Data Mining_2010 China


Multi-dimensional Building Performance Data Management for Continuous Commissioning
A. Ahmed, J. Ploennigs,K. Menzel, B. Cahill
Journal : Advanced Engineering Informatics


Mining Building Performance Data for Predictive Energy-efficient Operation
Ahmed A., Hashim H., Koress N, Cahill B., Menzel K
Journal : Advanced Engineering Informatics


A Framework Architecture for Optimized Building Operation
K. Menzel, B. Cahill
ECPPM 2010


Towards A Process Warehouse Based Energy Building Information Model
Ahmed, L. Allan, B. Cahill, K. Menzel
ECPPM 2010


A new Perspective in Supervising Building Performance
A.Ahmed, B. Cahill, K. Menzel
ECPPM 2010


A Service Oriented Architecture for Building Performance Monitoring
P. Stack, B. Cahill, F. Manzoor, K. Menzel
18th International Conference on the Application of Computer ,
Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering,
K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Weimar, Germany, 07–09 July 2009


Aspects of multi-dimensional Building Performance Data Management
A. Ahmed, K. Menzel, B. Cahill
Berlin – EG-ICE 2009


Analysis of Energy Simulation Models
Z. Cong, B. Cahill, K. Menzel
Forum Baunformatik 2009